Reducing waste in food plants is part of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, encouraging all production facilities to adopt simple measures throughout their production lines.
Sustainability should be a key goal for every business: in the food industry, this means reducing waste, minimizing production leftovers, and decreasing the load on the plant’s treatment systems.
After years of research and design, Granzotto now offers solutions that minimize losses in food processing plants. The best results have been achieved with the pigging system for food plants.
Why Consider a Food-Grade Pigging System to Avoid Waste?
In plants that handle liquid foods, slopes are often designed to help drainage and reduce waste, and nitrogen-based recovery systems are used, although they aren’t very effective in horizontal pipes.
Granzotto has developed an efficient system using a PIG (Pipeline Inspection Gauge) to remove all residues. The bidirectional version allows the PIG to move back and forth, maximizing recovery.
Food companies often struggle to ensure that materials in contact with food are suitable. Granzotto’s PIG systems use blue food-grade silicone, and are expertly designed and installed.
Want to Implement a Pigging System in Your Company?
A Granzotto consultant is available to help you.
The Pigging Solution in Industrial Food Plants
Granzotto’s pigging system minimizes these issues, recovering up to 98% of the product and making subsequent cleaning faster and easier.
The PIG’s shape is chosen based on the existing plant and the food being processed: there are various shapes like elliptical, bean-shaped, symmetrical spheroid, asymmetrical unidirectional, and elongated for pipes where bidirectional PIGs can’t be used.
For fatty foods like oil, a multi-diaphragm system is preferred, though it is more delicate to install. For water-based foods like tomato puree, double-sphere PIGs with two sealing points are used.
The PIG system is not just the gauge itself; it includes valves, bends, and hygienic welds that are carefully selected and combined for maximum recovery efficiency. Important is the choice of TIG welding in an inert atmosphere, which ensures PIG protection, extends its lifespan, and reduces maintenance and wear.
The system can integrate with existing plants, interacting with them through digital signals, and is automated to optimize the process and maximize recovery.
Safety, reliability, and high productivity: the G-RECO pigging system is designed and installed based on specific needs, offering a waste recovery method that aligns with the environmental and economic sustainability principles essential for modern production facilities.
Enhance the Efficiency of Your Industrial Plant with Granzotto Solutions
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