La technologie la plus avancée et moderne va de pair avec des choix qualitatifs généraux, visant à l’efficacité et à la fiabilité de chaque réalisation. Cela permet à Granzotto de valoriser chaque solution proposée, y compris celles liées à des besoins particuliers.
Ouality Management System Certificate
We certify that the Ouality Management System of the Organization: Granzotto S.r.l. Is in compliance with the standard UNI EN ISO 9001 :2015 for the following products/services:
- Design, construction, installation and maintenance of: production plants transfer, product recovery and cleaning systems in the industriai, food a chemical sector;
- Liquid distribution such as fluids, liquids and technical gases plants/systems;
- Temperature and air-conditioning management plants/systems in the food and industriai sector;
- Operation and maintenance of summer and winter air-conditioning plants.
Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certificate
We certify that the Occupational Health and Safety Management System of the Organization: Granzotto S.r.l. ls in compliance with the standard UNI ISO 45001 :2018 for the following products/services:
- Design, construction, installation and maintenance of: production plants transfer, product recovery and cleaning systems in the industriai, food a chemical sector;
- Liquid distribution such as fluids, liquids and technical gases plants/systems;
- Temperature and air-conditioning management plants/systems in the food and industriai sector;
- Operation and maintenance of summer and winter air-conditioning plants.
Environmental Management System Certificate
We certify that the Environmental Management System of the Organization:Granzotto S.r.l. is in compliance with the Standard UNI EN ISO 14001 :2015 for the following products/services:
- Design, construction, installation and maintenance of: production plants transfer, product recovery and cleaning systems in the industriai, food a chemical sector;
- Liquid distribution such as fluids, liquids and technical gases plants/systems;
- Temperature and air-conditioning management plants/systems in the food and industriai sector;
- Operation and maintenance of summer and winter air-conditioning plants.
Certificato di Conformità
Si dichiara che l’Impresa: GRANZOTTO S.r.l. è conforme a: REGOLAMENTO DI ESECUZIONE (UE) 2015/2067 DELLA COMMISSIONE del 17 novembre 2015.
DECRETO DEL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA del 16 novembre 2018, n. 146 per i seguenti prodotti/servizi:
- Installazione, riparazione, manutenzione o assistenza, smantellamento di apparecchiature fisse di refrigerazione e condizionamento d'aria e pompe di calore fisse con dimensione massima del carico senza limiti in kg.
Demandez plus d'informations
Installations et systèmes industriels pour la gestion complète de produits liquides dans les secteurs alimentaire, chimique et œnologique.