A tecnologia mais avançada e moderna caminha lado a lado com escolhas qualitativas gerais, finalizadas a garantir a eficiência e a confiabilidade de cada realização. Dessa forma, a Granzotto pode dar valor a cada solução proposta, mesmo quando relacionadas às exigências mais peculiares.
Ouality Management System Certificate
We certify that the Ouality Management System of the Organization: Granzotto S.r.l. Is in compliance with the standard UNI EN ISO 9001 :2015 for the following products/services:
- Design, construction, installation and maintenance of: production plants transfer, product recovery and cleaning systems in the industriai, food a chemical sector;
- Liquid distribution such as fluids, liquids and technical gases plants/systems;
- Temperature and air-conditioning management plants/systems in the food and industriai sector;
- Operation and maintenance of summer and winter air-conditioning plants.
Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certificate
We certify that the Occupational Health and Safety Management System of the Organization: Granzotto S.r.l. ls in compliance with the standard UNI ISO 45001 :2018 for the following products/services:
- Design, construction, installation and maintenance of: production plants transfer, product recovery and cleaning systems in the industriai, food a chemical sector;
- Liquid distribution such as fluids, liquids and technical gases plants/systems;
- Temperature and air-conditioning management plants/systems in the food and industriai sector;
- Operation and maintenance of summer and winter air-conditioning plants.
Environmental Management System Certificate
We certify that the Environmental Management System of the Organization:Granzotto S.r.l. is in compliance with the Standard UNI EN ISO 14001 :2015 for the following products/services:
- Design, construction, installation and maintenance of: production plants transfer, product recovery and cleaning systems in the industriai, food a chemical sector;
- Liquid distribution such as fluids, liquids and technical gases plants/systems;
- Temperature and air-conditioning management plants/systems in the food and industriai sector;
- Operation and maintenance of summer and winter air-conditioning plants.
Certificato di Conformità
Si dichiara che l’Impresa: GRANZOTTO S.r.l. è conforme a: REGOLAMENTO DI ESECUZIONE (UE) 2015/2067 DELLA COMMISSIONE del 17 novembre 2015.
DECRETO DEL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA del 16 novembre 2018, n. 146 per i seguenti prodotti/servizi:
- Installazione, riparazione, manutenzione o assistenza, smantellamento di apparecchiature fisse di refrigerazione e condizionamento d'aria e pompe di calore fisse con dimensione massima del carico senza limiti in kg.
Peça mais Informação
Instalações e sistemas industriais, para a gestão completa de produtos líquidos nos setores alimentar, químico e vitivinícola